“Tooth replacement is usually completed at 12 – 13 years of age and at this point the teenager has young adult dentition. This is the age at which treatment is started with orthodontic braces or Invisalign ®.”

Orthodontics in adolescents
Tooth replacement is usually completed at 12 – 13 years of age and at this point the teenager has young adult dentition. This is the age at which treatment is started with orthodontic braces or Invisalign ®. Dental problems such as crowding, badly positioned teeth and bite are corrected. At this age you can get excellent aesthetic results.
The adolescent patient is faced with a complex stage of physical maturation, psychological and social development. In many cases there can be psychological complexes about the smile and facial aesthetics. Teenagers are often reluctant to have treatment with fixed appliances that are visible. At Caballero Dental Clinic we are well accustomed to these problems and provide appropriate solutions through different types of invisible braces.
The adolescent patient and their parents can choose between several types of treatment to correct their dental problems.